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!!!結果(COM部門)/Results (Computer League)

Dear all,{{br}}
I apologize for late upload of game records.{{br}}
You can download them from the following.{{br}}
{{ref UEC-2015-game_records.zip,第9回UEC杯5五将棋大会,All game record download(msk_form)}}

{{ref_image result2015.jpg}}
{{ref_image minishogi_result2015.jpg}}

*日程:2015年 11月22日(日)
*会場:電気通信大学 [西9号館3階AVホール|http://www.uec.ac.jp/about/profile/access/](予定)
*主催:電気通信大学 [エンターテイメントと認知科学研究ステーション|http://entcog.c.ooco.jp/entcog/]
*開催部門: COM部門(独創賞を含む)・人間部門

*Date: November 22, 2015
*Avenue :  [Building West-9, 3F AV-Hall, The University of Electro-Communications|http://www.uec.ac.jp/eng/about/access/]
*Sponser: [Cognitive Science and Entertainment Research Station|http://entcog.c.ooco.jp/entcog/]
*League: Computer League, Human League
*Free to participate
We will present medals for 1st-3rd prize of each section.

/Please send us the following format, if you want to participate in this tournament.
!!COM部門/Computer League
 ※●を@に変えてください。/Please change ● to @.

{{span_begin style="font-weight:bold;"}}
{{span_begin style="color:red;"}}参加申し込み締め切りは11月18日(水)です。/Deadline: November 18   

If you want to participate by only program, please send us your program till November 11.
We will check all programs work on our computer.
If a program has problems, we will contact with the developers to work them till November 18.

次の各項目を添えてください。/Please apply by e-mail with the following items.
*プログラム名/Program name
*チーム名 もしくは参加者名/Participant or Team name (if you developed the program by two or more persons, please decide a team name)
*開発責任者/The representative of the team 
*開発者名と国籍(開発者が複数人の場合は全員分を書いてください) /All names and nationalities who developed the program
*開発責任者の連絡先(住所、Eメールアドレス、携帯番号など)/E-mail and postal address of the representative
*参加者(大会当日に会場へお越しになる方の名前) / Operator on the day (If you want to participate by only program, please send us your program till November 11.)
*UEC杯への参加回数/The participation times to the UEC-cup
*プログラムに関する説明文(アルゴリズムの解説、工夫点などを書いてください。独創賞の対象となります)/Please appeal about your program. It becomes reference of the "originality prize".
*消費電力(当日現地で、合計200W以上使用する予定がある場合、お知らせ下さい。)/Power consumption (Please inform us, if you will use a total of 200W or more there on the day.)

他にも本ページに書かれている[大会ルール|http://minerva.cs.uec.ac.jp/~uec55shogi/wiki.cgi?page=%C2%E8%A3%B9%B2%F3UEC%C7%D5%A3%B5%B8%DE%BE%AD%B4%FD%C2%E7%B2%F1#p11]をよくご確認の上、お申し込みください。特に、{{span_begin style="font-weight:bold;"}}
{{span_begin style="color:red;"}}[5五将棋用フォーマット(MSK形式)|http://entcog.c.ooco.jp/minishogi/55_format.html]で棋譜を出力できること{{span_end}}
/Please check the [rule|http://minerva.cs.uec.ac.jp/~uec55shogi/wiki.cgi?page=%C2%E88%B2%F3UEC%C7%D5+5%B8%DE%BE%AD%B4%FD%C2%E7%B2%F1#p11] of this tournament. It is suggested that a game record can be outputted in the [Mini-Shogi format (MSK form)|http://entcog.c.ooco.jp/minishogi/55_format.html].

※お送り頂いた情報は、本大会の運営の目的以外には利用しません。/The sent data will be not used other than the purpose of this tournament.

!!人間部門/Human League

{{span_begin style="font-weight:bold;"}}{{span_begin style="color:red;"}}人間部門は開始直前まで参加申し込みを受け付けます!/ Participation to human league is permitted immediately before the starting time. 
* 当日の参加申し込みも可能です。 / It is not necessary for you to register if you entry on that day.

 ※●を@に変えてください。/Please change ● to @.
{{span_begin style="font-weight:bold;"}}
次の各項目を添えてください。/Please apply by e-mail with the following items.
*参加者の連絡先(Eメールアドレス、携帯番号など)/E-mail and Mobile phone number
*UEC杯への参加回数/The participation times to the UEC-cup

※お送り頂いた情報は、本大会の運営の目的以外には利用しません。/The sent data will be not used other than the purpose of this tournament.


!!COM部門/Computer League
10:00 開場、参加者受付開始/Open the hall and start the reception{{br}}
10:20 参加者受付終了/The close of the reception{{br}}
10:30 開会式/Opening{{br}}
10:40〜12:00 午前の部/Morning section{{br}}
12:00〜13:00 昼食休憩/Lunch break{{br}}
13:00〜16:00 午後の部/Afternoon section{{br}}
16:30 表彰式、閉会式/Closing{{br}}
※連絡なく集合時間までに参集しないと不参加となる場合があります。/It is regarded as declining if the participant don't come to hall till 10:30 without connection.{{br}}

!!人間部門/Human League
10:00〜12:00 自由対局、ルール説明/Rule explanation and Free play {{br}}
12:00 エントリー受付締め切り/Entry receptionist deadline{{br}}
13:00 参加者集合時間 くじ引き/The close of the reception{{br}}
13:10 対戦開始 (トーナメント戦の予定)/Start the tournament{{br}}
16:30 表彰式、閉会式/Closing{{br}}


!!!大会ルール/Tournament Rules


Please confirm [the rule of Minishogi |http://minerva.cs.uec.ac.jp/~uec55shogi/wiki.cgi?page=The+Rule+of+Mini-Shogi%28in+English%29].

!!COM部門/Computer League


This league is competition for computer programs.{{br}}
The time limit for each program is 20 minutes.{{br}}
Only the thinking time of program is counted.{{br}}
The time of operation is not taken into consideration.{{br}}
It usually is used by computer timer.{{br}}
If there is no function which counts the thinking time or suspicion about the timer arises, the chess clock which a sponsor prepares will be used.{{br}}

!プログラムが満たすべき条件(必須項目)/ Required features
*5五将棋が指せること/Be able to generate moves as the rule of Mini-Shogi.
*先手後手どちらでも指せること/Be able to play by both Black (Sente) and White(Gote).
*棋譜を記録として残せること/Be able to save the game record.
*プログラムの思考時間を秒単位で表示できること/Be able to display the program's thinking time in second.